Speech Therapy

Speech-Language Pathology Services

RightStart Therapy Services, Inc. offers speech & language therapy services in the following areas:

star_bullet.fwArticulation Disorders

star_bullet.fwArual Rehabilitation

star_bullet.fwFeeding / Swallowing


star_bullet.fwAccent Modification


star_bullet.fwOral Motor

star_bullet.fwPhonological Awareness


star_bullet.fwReading / Writing

star_bullet.fwTherapeutic Listening Program

star_bullet.fwVoice Therapy

Diagnoses Commonly Seen at RightStart Therapy Services Include But Are Not Limited To…

–          Articulation Disorders

–          Autism Spectrum Disorder

–          Apraxia

–          Attention Disorders (ADD/ADHD)

–          Cerebral Palsy

–          Chromosomal deletion/abnormalities

–          Cleft Lip/Palate

–          Deaf and hard of hearing

–          Developmental Delays

–          Down Syndrome

–          Dyslexia

–          Intellectual Disabilities

–          Pervasive Developmental Delays

–          Receptive/Expressive Language Disorders

–          Swallowing/Feeding Difficulties

–          Stuttering

–          Traumatic Brain Injury

–          Voice Disorders